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Reviews (489)

Pre-op assessment went very well

August 15, 2023
I attended my pre-op assessment on the 9 August 2023. The appointment went well, the service was good and I received a good level of care. While my operation is still planned to go ahead they were concerned about my blood pressure being slightly elevated, so they made arrangements for me to attend my gp surgery today for it to be checked again. I was seen in the new treatment centre. It is very nice with bright modern facilities and I was in and out very quickly. The staff were nice and friendly.

Reply from UHB Heartlands Hospital

Dear Patient

Thank you so much for taking the time to provide feedback about Heartlands Hospital Birmingham - apologies for the delayed response. We are really pleased to hear that your pre-op appointment went so well and how impressed you are with the Heartlands Treatment Centre.

If you would like to provide any more information or further feedback about your experience please visit the hospital webpage https://www.uhb.nhs.uk/get-in-touch/feedback/

Best Wishes

James Cunningham

Patient Experience Officer at University Hospitals Birmingham

Provider responded

Seen very quickly in A&E

August 15, 2023
I attended A&E with a suspected broken toe. I was seen straight away and my toe was strapped up by a nurse. I was happy with the care received, and I was in and out in 45 minutes which was great.

Reply from UHB Heartlands Hospital

Dear Patient

Thank you so much for taking the time to provide feedback about Heartlands Hospital Birmingham - apologies for the delayed response. We are pleased to hear how happy you are with your visit to the Emergency Department and that you were seen, treated and discharged home so quickly.

If you would like to provide any more information or further feedback about your experience please visit the hospital webpage https://www.uhb.nhs.uk/get-in-touch/feedback/

Best Wishes

James Cunningham

Patient Experience Officer at University Hospitals Birmingham

Provider responded

Long waiting times/understaffed

August 11, 2023
I have attended the new maternity unit at Heartlands. The facilities are nice and its clean and bright. The waiting times were very long due to staffing numbers that day.

Reply from UHB Heartlands Hospital

Dear Patient

Thank you so much for taking the time to provide feedback about Heartlands Hospital Birmingham - apologies for the delayed response. Whilst we are sorry to hear that waiting times were long when you attended the maternity unit we are pleased to hear that you're happy with the facilities.

If you would like to provide any more information or further feedback about your experience please visit the hospital webpage https://www.uhb.nhs.uk/get-in-touch/feedback/

Best Wishes

James Cunningham

Patient Experience Officer at University Hospitals Birmingham

Provider responded

A&E department is awful

August 11, 2023
My last visit to the A&E department was awful. I was left waiting for hours. No consideration is given to your age the symptoms you are experiencing.

Reply from UHB Heartlands Hospital

Dear Patient

Thank you for taking the time to provide feedback about Heartlands Hospital Birmingham – apologies for the delayed response. We are really sorry to hear that you had such a long wait to be seen in the Emergency Department.

If you think it’s helpful we are keen to listen to your concerns in more detail and to try to help if there are any outstanding issues or things we can learn from. If you are happy to do this please make contact with the Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) to provide your details. They can be contacted by phone 0121 424 0808, by email PALS@uhb.nhs.uk, or by contact form at https://www.uhb.nhs.uk/forms/contact-complaint-concern

Best wishes

James Cunningham

Patient Experience Officer at University Hospitals Birmingham

Provider responded

Great treatment but awful experience waiting

August 4, 2023
I spent over 15 hours sitting in a hard chair in A&E, the wait was awful. When I finally had an x-ray and saw a doctor I was diagnosed with a two broken collar bones and broken ribs. The doctors and nurses were fantastic but the wait was excruciating, and I was in extreme pain in an environment that was not very nice.

Reply from UHB Heartlands Hospital

Dear Patient

Thank you for taking the time to provide feedback about Heartlands Hospital Birmingham – apologies for the delayed response. Whilst we are pleased to hear that the doctors and nurses who took care of you in the Emergency Department were so good we are also obviously really sorry to hear that you had such a long wait and that it left you in significant pain.

If you think it’s helpful we are keen to listen to your concerns in more detail and to try to help if there are any outstanding issues or things we can learn from. If you are happy to do this please make contact with the Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) to provide your details. They can be contacted by phone 0121 424 0808, by email PALS@uhb.nhs.uk, or by contact form at https://www.uhb.nhs.uk/forms/contact-complaint-concern

Best wishes

James Cunningham

Patient Experience Officer at University Hospitals Birmingham

Provider responded

Outstanding care for end of life patient

August 4, 2023
My mum was admitted a few days before she passed away. She was treated very well during that time and I was very happy with the care she received. The family, and my mum, were all treated with kindness and compassion at a very difficult time.

Reply from UHB Heartlands Hospital

Dear Relative

Thank you so much for taking the time to provide feedback about Heartlands Hospital Birmingham - apologies for the delayed response.

Whilst we are obviously incredibly sorry to hear about the loss of your mother we are pleased to hear that she was treated well during her time at the hospital and that was she was cared for with kindness and compassion.

If you would like to provide any more information or further feedback about your experience please visit the hospital webpage https://www.uhb.nhs.uk/get-in-touch/feedback/

Best Wishes

James Cunningham

Patient Experience Officer at University Hospitals Birmingham

Provider responded

8 hour wait when needed immediate treatment

August 4, 2023
My experience in A&E was horrendous. I waited over 8 hours to be seen and treated. I was told that I should have been treated immediately and put on oxygen straight away.

Reply from UHB Heartlands Hospital

Dear Patient

Thank you for taking the time to provide feedback about Heartlands Hospital Birmingham – apologies for the delayed response. We are really sorry to hear that you had such a long wait to be seen and treated in the Emergency Department.

If you think it’s helpful we are keen to listen to your concerns in more detail and to try to help if there are any outstanding issues or things we can learn from. If you are happy to do this please make contact with the Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) to provide your details. They can be contacted by phone 0121 424 0808, by email PALS@uhb.nhs.uk, or by contact form at https://www.uhb.nhs.uk/forms/contact-complaint-concern

Best wishes

James Cunningham

Patient Experience Officer at University Hospitals Birmingham

Provider responded

Physiotherapy team are wonderful

August 4, 2023
The physiotherapy team are wonderful, I am very happy with how my appointments went.

Reply from UHB Heartlands Hospital

Dear Patient

Thank you so much for taking the time to provide feedback about Heartlands Hospital Birmingham - apologies for the delayed response. We are delighted to hear about the excellent appointments you've had with our physiotherapists.

If you would like to provide any more information or further feedback about your experience please visit the hospital webpage https://www.uhb.nhs.uk/get-in-touch/feedback/

Best Wishes

James Cunningham

Patient Experience Officer at University Hospitals Birmingham

Provider responded

Very Good Cancer Services

August 4, 2023
I recently attended my last check up following cancer treatment. The appointment went well, the staff were lovely.

Reply from UHB Heartlands Hospital

Dear Patient

Thank you so much for taking the time to provide feedback about Heartlands Hospital Birmingham - apologies for the delayed response. We are really pleased to how well your last cancer check-up went and how lovely the staff were.

If you would like to provide any more information or further feedback about your experience please visit the hospital webpage https://www.uhb.nhs.uk/get-in-touch/feedback/

Best Wishes

James Cunningham

Patient Experience Officer at University Hospitals Birmingham

Provider responded

Long wait for medical care

August 3, 2023
I waited some time to be seen. It was very very busy the poor staff were rushed of their feet.

Reply from UHB Heartlands Hospital

Dear Patient

Thank you for taking the time to provide feedback about Heartlands Hospital Birmingham – apologies for the delayed response. We are really sorry to hear that you had such a long wait to receive medical care.

If you think it’s helpful we are keen to listen to your concerns in more detail and to try to help if there are any outstanding issues or things we can learn from. If you are happy to do this please make contact with the Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) to provide your details. They can be contacted by phone 0121 424 0808, by email PALS@uhb.nhs.uk, or by contact form at https://www.uhb.nhs.uk/forms/contact-complaint-concern

Best wishes

James Cunningham

Patient Experience Officer at University Hospitals Birmingham

Provider responded

UHB Heartlands Hospital


0121 424 2000

Bordesley Green
B9 5SS


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