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Reviews (535)

Poorly run, wasting time and NHS money

March 26, 2023
My daughter was admitted to the paediatric ward with suspected appendicitis. We ended up being there for nearly 5 days - most of which was waiting to be seen by doctors who then failed to make adequate decisions about her care. In the end she had a healthy appendix removed when in actual fact a simple scan would have revealed an ovarian cyst. We had to arrange a private scan after her discharge from unnecessary surgery and recovery form the ensuing sepsis to get a diagnosis for her pain. Apparently the scan was too expensive and the referral would have been rejected. Instead she had a general anaesthetic and all the associated expenses of surgery. A few days after discharge she got sepsis which was put down to the absence of antibiotic cover following the bowel surgery. I will avoid going to heartlands at all costs in future. One of the nurses on the children’s ward actually said she wouldn’t take her own child there if they were unwell.

Reply from UHB Heartlands Hospital

Thank you so much for taking the time to provide feedback about Heartlands Hospital Paediatrics Department. We are really sorry to hear that your experience was not a positive one and you felt that your daughter had been misdiagnosed and subsequently received the wrong treatment.

We are keen to listen to your concerns in more detail and to understand more about what has happened, the issues you have raised are serious and we would like the opportunity to look into them. Can you make contact with the Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) and provide your daughter’s details. PALS are here to help and can be contacted by phone 0121 424 0808, by email PALS@uhb.nhs.uk or by contact form at https://www.uhb.nhs.uk/forms/contact-complaint-concern

Kindest regards, Patient Experience Team

Provider responded

Good treatment at Dermatology Dept

March 23, 2023
There was a bit of a mix up in communication about which clinic to attend and I attended the wrong one. Staff were quick to sort this out and I was seen quickly at the right one. Been informative and helpful. Treatment has been good and my symptoms are getting better.

Treated as inpatient ward understaffed

March 23, 2023
I was admitted for treatment and overall care was okay. The ward was very understaffed. I found myself helping staff with an elderly patient with dementia, at night he was rummaging through other peoples belongings. He just wasn't receiving the care and attention he needed. I was even thanked by the staff for helping. I hardly slept during my stay because of the situation.

Reply from UHB Heartlands Hospital

Thank you for taking the time to post your comments regarding the service at Heartlands Hospital. We are really sorry to hear that your experience on the ward was not a positive one; in particular the issues with the dementia patient, even though, staff have shown appreciation for your help.

It is important that you raise your concern with the matron or ward manager so they are aware of your experience and how this has had an impact on your sleep. Our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) to provide your details. PALS are here to help and can be contacted by phone 0121 424 0808, by email PALS@uhb.nhs.uk or by contact form at https://www.uhb.nhs.uk/forms/contact-complaint-concern if you feel you need further support.

Kindest regards, Patient Experience Team

Provider responded

Difficulties navigating hospital layout

March 22, 2023
Visited the hospital for a cardiogram. The appointment went ok. Had difficulties finding out where to go and had to ask for assistance. Have received good communication via letters, texts and email relating to appointments which is great.

Reply from UHB Heartlands Hospital

Thank you so much for taking the time to provide feedback about Heartlands Hospital. We are pleased to hear about the good service you've received.
If you would like to provide any further feedback about your experience please visit the hospital webpage https://www.uhb.nhs.uk/get-in-touch/feedback/

Best Wishes, Patient Experience Team

Provider responded

Never been seen so quickly, very impressed!

March 22, 2023
Visit to the Blood Pressure clinic. Appointment went very well was seen very quickly, was in and out in no time and care received was good. Staff were lovely.

Reply from UHB Heartlands Hospital

Thank you so much for taking the time to provide feedback about Heartlands Hospital Birmingham. We are delighted to hear about the excellent service you received from our colleagues in the Blood Pressure clinic.

Your kind words have been forwarded to senior staff to share with the department, if you would like to provide any further feedback about your experience please visit the hospital webpage https://www.uhb.nhs.uk/get-in-touch/feedback/

kindest regards, Patient Experience Team

Provider responded

A long wait in A&E

March 22, 2023
Had to attend A&E with severe knee pain/problem and I was unable to get into my GP surgery. The wait was very long and uncomfortable because of the pain I was experiencing. When I was finally seen things moved quickly and an MRI scan was arranged.

Reply from UHB Heartlands Hospital

Thank you for taking the time to post your comments regarding your patient experience at Heartlands Hospital. We are sorry that you had a bit of a wait for our services. We are continuing to have a great deal of pressure on our resources which is having a major impact on our waiting times.

Nevertheless, It is lovely to receive such positive feedback from our patients about our staff and service.

Best wishes, Patient Experience Team

Provider responded

Not the best experience at Heartlands

March 21, 2023
Not the best experience when you have to visit Heartlands. Would rather go to Solihull but no A&E department.

Reply from UHB Heartlands Hospital

Thank you for taking the time to post your comments regarding your recent patient experience at Heartlands Hospital. We are sorry that you had a poor patient experience, nevertheless, our staff are working extremely hard to deliver good service in these very difficult times.

We are very pleased to inform you that in June 2023 the MIU (Minor Injuries Unit) at Solihull will be opening again and in addition to this service there will also be a minor illnesses service which will be provided by a local primary care provider (GPs) and this collaboration will mean that the two services will be opened in June as the Solihull Urgent Treatment Centre (UTC).

The UTC will provide a much needed urgent care service – supporting with minor illnesses and injuries - for the residents of Solihull.

Kindest regards, Patient Experience Team

Provider responded

Failed to properly investigate my symptoms

March 21, 2023
I felt like I was continuously brushed off. I was told my symptoms were down to anxiety and they were not fully investigated. My symptoms resulted in me attending a hospital out of the city and not under the remit of UHB, where my symptoms were fully investigated and my heart condition was detected resulting in a proper diagnosis.

Reply from UHB Heartlands Hospital

We are sorry to hear that you had a poor patient experience at Heartlands Hospital. We take the issues you have raised very seriously and would like to look into the concerns you have raised.

Please contact our Patient Relations Team if you feel you are able, so that we can look into the care and treatment you experienced, you can call them on 0121 424 0808 or via email pals@uhb.nhs.uk the team will be able to look into with the issues you have raised.

Kindest regards, Patient Experience Team

Provider responded

Long wait and poor communication

March 21, 2023
Honestly just awful. Visited A&E - waiting times are ridiculous and there's no communication from staff at all. You're just left to suffer while you wait. Staff aren't friendly and don't reassure you at all.

Reply from UHB Heartlands Hospital

We are sorry to hear of the difficulties you were facing and apologise for the long waiting times. If you have any concerns regarding your treatment and care and would like to discuss them, then please contact the Patient Relations Team on 0121 424 0808 or by email: pals@uhb.nhs.uk

Kind regards, Patient Experience Team

Provider responded

Overall Good

March 20, 2023
I was admitted for treatment at Heartlands Hospital. Overall, it was a good experience and I received good treatment and care. The only problem was that the ward was very hard to contact which was difficult for my family and friends during my admission.

UHB Heartlands Hospital


0121 424 2000

Bordesley Green
B9 5SS


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