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Reviews (118)

A good service who sent medical help

April 11, 2024
I had to call NHS 111 to get advice about an elderly relative. They provided a good service and arranged for a District Nurse to attend. I was happy with the service.

Received good advice

April 10, 2024
I received good advice from this service and was directed to A&E for a recent issue.

Need to offer local appointments

March 6, 2024
I had to call NHS 111 when I could not get a doctors appointment. They said they could arrange an appointment for me at the Urgent Treatment Centre at Solihull Hospital. They need to offer appointments for people in their local communities, as like myself not everyone can travel so far away.

Sent to walk-in centre that was not walk-in

March 4, 2024
I had to contact NHS 111 when I could not get a doctors appointment. They advised me to go to Dudley Road walk in centre, but they were fully booked and would not see me. I called NHS 111 back again and was told to attend Warren Farm walk in centre, they were closed. Being directed to services that are advertised as walk-in but are not, and being sent to services that are closed is not helpful at all. My experience was not great.

Sent an ambulance straight out to me

February 13, 2024
The service was good, they asked me a lot of questions and sent an ambulance to me. I appreciated their guidance as I was unsure if I should call 999 or not.

Very helpful service

February 6, 2024
The district nurse contacted this service for me. My experience was good, they were very helpful.

My husband was unwell, severe vertigo

February 1, 2024
Although there was a doctors strike on the service kept in touch to advise that we were hours away from a call back. They were extremely busy.

12 hour delay on Christmas Eve

January 26, 2024
I contacted this service on the morning of Christmas eve, because my 10 year old had been unwell and I could see she had tonsillitis and needed antibiotics. I was told by the operator that there was a 12 hour delay for a call back from a doctor, and they could not fit us in anywhere to see a doctor. I finally got a call back 11 hours later and luckily a pharmacy was open for us to collect a prescription. The service obviously could not cope with demand and there needs to be improvements made for times that they know they will be busy.

A good service that acted promptly

January 26, 2024
We contacted this service for advice regarding my elderly father who has dementia. They were very thorough in their questions and advised that he needed to be seen by a paramedic. They made arrangements for one to attend.

Four attempts for medical help failed

January 25, 2024
I recently tried to access medical advice on four occasions, and was not satisfied with the service at all.

NHS 111




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