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Reviews (72)

I am disappointed

October 21, 2020
I didn’t join my local surgery for it to close down indefinitely through a pandemic, waiting times to speak to receptionist awful, sometimes up to 50 in a queue and impossible to get face to face appointment, routine monitoring of basic medic needs impossible to get - was told by one doctor to go and get my own blood pressure machine

Never had an issue

October 21, 2020
I keep my expectations real and not expect an appointment available immediately and with that in mind and with patience for waiting to be connected, never had any issues in getting a timely appointment, blood test and other checkups. Very nice kind staff. They trying their best. Had video calls , phone calls with the doctors and also visited surgery for blood test. Very smooth and safe process.
Nimisha Mittal

GPS Healthcare - Tanworth Lane



West Midlands
B90 4DD


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