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Reviews (141)

Improvement required

July 11, 2022
They are giving face to face appointments face 2 face but then when I get to the appointments they staff advise that there is no appointments booked.
This was a regular issue and now I always get text messages advising of my appointments.
Been looking to change but have not been able to due to no availability at other surgeries.
Used to be brilliant when it was a stand alone surgery but since they have joined into a partnership the service has gone poor.

It takes along time m to get through for appointments. when you do eventually manage to get through the calls either gets cut off or you get advised there are no appointment available and to call back next day.

Saw Dr Ibrahim and he was very good, Gave prescription and information and made all the necessary referrals.
Dr Stockdale was brilliant but has since retired.

Supposed to have review for Bipolar every year but this has not been happening.

No appointment

June 30, 2022
Since joining with SHP. I cannot get through to get an appointment, EVER
Have to walk to surgery for 8am to queue to get the appointment.

Phone appointments

June 30, 2022
Can't get through via phone, have to queue at 8am.
Only wat to get an appointment.
Avoid going now which could be dangerous to myself in the long run


June 27, 2022
I am a homeless person and I need a medical certificate for my housing applications. I have been asked to pay a cost of 30 pounds before

Waiting to see the doctor and medication

June 27, 2022
My elderly parents have to take a taxi to see the GP at the surgery because no one answers the phone, when they get there, they are told to wait for appointment. They are frustrated because they have a past medical history which the GPs don't put into consideration

Terrible services

June 27, 2022
Terrible services, no phones answered, on hold for 50 minutes at a time- Appointments only given within 3-4 weeks wait. No response on high blood pressure readings or test results (for at least 3 months)

Poor Call waiting time but great care

June 25, 2022
The service for children is great especially as my son has special needs. I am able to get appointments for my son when I personally go into the surgery for an appointment.
I normally call in the noon, they complete triage and based on that advice to come in. Generally get appointments on the same day for my son.

For adults the appointments service and booking is poor. Not able to get into see a GP face to face and after a triage signposted to advice line 111

Getting to the GP is an issue especially when I don't drive and the time the appointments are provided are not always applicable due to work commitments.

I’m not seeing a change from SHP

June 17, 2022
I’m not seeing a change from SHP only a couple of weeks ago I spent 45 mins to get to speak to someone and then they cut me off. I then spent another 45 minutes getting though again. The difficulty with making appointments has prevented me from taking to drs about issues both for me and my children because I can’t face the challenge of getting an appointment. In the instances I have got an appointment I have been happy with the service. They simply need more people on the phones as simply as that, or perhaps online booking would help.

It should not be this difficult to book appt

May 12, 2022
First time trying to book in approx 2 years and disappointed with first hand experience. Call answered after 30 minutes call handler stated no appointment until 14 June over a month away. I said I’ll take that then I was advised to stand outside Blossomfield Surgery before half 8am and I may be lucky to get an appointment on the day. I was outside today with one man in front. The notice on the door stated they opened at 8.30. At 8.32 we rang the bell no reply. Eventually the blind was raised the door opened and a lady said ‘you have an appointment’ three of us said no that is why we are here to book one. She stated there are none left and you should not be here. I said your care navigator told me to come, she again said we should not be there, but as we were on this occasion she would look what could be done and she would take it up with management. In summary the patient should be the customer here and treated with respect. The basic incompetence and lack of clear pathways is upsetting to see when the community it serves is so dependent upon. Blood tests seem to be the obvious bottleneck, you have to see a doctor to arrange for a test, then you have to make an appointment to get results, fast track this procedure and it will ease the pressure on other urgent health care. Why can we not book on line? Where is the communication from SHP to the community I have never received any communication except reminders of vaccination which I chose to have elsewhere. Please help!!

I was on hold for 1 hour 20 minutes

March 17, 2022
To be told you’re 37 in the queue at 2pm, then it go down each number incredibly slowly is very disheartening. I understand it being super busy at 8am but at least with more staff on then, it goes down quickly. Once I finally got to 1 in the queue it went to dialling tone and just rang and rang and no one answered, I was worried I had lost my place, then it went back to the hold music/info, then ringing again!

SHP - Shirley Medical Centre


Shirley Medical Centre
8 Union Road
West Midlands
B90 3DT


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