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Reviews (71)

Told that we would wait 5 hours

November 1, 2023
My elderly neighbour had a bad fall, they could not move or talk. I called for an ambulance and was not impressed at the long call that asked lots of questions that were difficult to answer, such as how much blood loss would it be a cup full or a bucket fall! I was told that an ambulance would take approximately 5 hours to get to us. I told them that this was unacceptable and they just told me to call back if symptoms got worse.

6 hour wait in ambulance

October 30, 2023
The ambulance arrived quickly. The paramedics were fantastic. I spent over 6 hours in the ambulance outside A&E because there was no room for me in the department. The staff were wonderful and took great care of me, it must have been just as frustrating for them as it was for me and my family.

Arrived very quickly to heart attack patient

October 20, 2023
I had to call an ambulance for my mum who became very unwell with a suspected heart attack. The ambulance arrived very quickly and took good care of my mum. It was very scary, and they were very reassuring.

Waited over 7 hours

October 16, 2023
My mum had a bad fall and I could not get her up or to hospital. I called for an ambulance but we waited over 7 hours before they arrived. It was an awful experience.

Excellent service

October 6, 2023
I recently needed an ambulance, it arrived quickly and I was treated by a team of great paramedics. I was quickly transferred to the hospital.

Lovely paramedics

September 29, 2023
In recent months I have blacked out twice, once cutting my head quite badly. Both times members of the public have called for paramedics to tend to me and I have woken to the sight of paramedics looking after. They have all been wonderful, taking good care of me and transporting me to the hospital to be checked over.

Arrived quickly and excellent care

September 25, 2023
A fast responder was sent by 111 to examine me, they quickly requested an ambulance. It arrived very quickly and they took good care of me before transporting me to hospital.

Nice staff but reluctant to take to hospital

September 15, 2023
An ambulance attended at the request of the 111. They responded quickly and were nice but they were reluctant to transport my husband to hospital. He had already been seen by a doctor and had been given antibiotics and told us that we just needed to give them time to kick in. I insisted that he be taken in because we were told if his symptoms got worse we should seek medical advice and 111 were also concerned. My husband was taken in thankfully, as he was seriously ill and needed an emergency operation.

Good care but a long wait

August 30, 2023
I was recently involved in a road traffic accident. I waited an hour for the ambulance to arrive. I was injured, laying on the pavement unable to move, and in the rain. They were very good once they arrived but the wait was awful.

They arrived very quickly & were brilliant

August 23, 2023
I had to call an ambulance for my wife late in the evening. They arrived very quickly and the paramedics were brilliant. They acted swiftly and we were quickly transferred to the hospital on blue lights. My wife was treated immediately upon arrival.

West Midlands Ambulance Service University NHS Foundation Trust


01384 215555


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