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Reviews (71)

Arrived quickly and staff were excellent

May 28, 2024
After calling about a fall an ambulance arrived quickly and the staff were excellent.

Poor response to violent assault

May 13, 2024
My spouse was the victim of a violent assault and an ambulance was called. They did not take my spouse to hospital to be properly checked over. They now have a number of medical problems that we believe could be linked to this assault and I believe that these could have been missed at the time because of the failure to take them to hospital to be properly assessed.

Excellent service arrived quickly

May 13, 2024
I called an ambulance for my parent who became very unwell. The ambulance arrived quickly and the paramedics acted promptly getting us to the hospital as quickly as possible. They acted professionally with kindness and were very reassuring.

Excellent paramedic care of dementia patient

May 9, 2024
I have had to call for an ambulance on a number of occasions for my wife who has dementia. The care is always very good, they are always fantastic with her even when her behaviour is quite challenging.

They took good care of me

April 11, 2024
I was treated by paramedics and brought to the hospital as an emergency. I was happy with the care they were very reassuring and looked after me well.

A great service with excellent paramedics

April 11, 2024
An ambulance was called for my elderly relative by a GP who was doing a home visit. They arrived quickly and the paramedics were excellent. They took great care of my relative and were very reassuring. They transported straight to the hospital.

A good service

March 8, 2024
An ambulance attended my workplace when I was taken ill. They arrived quickly, took great care of me and transported me to Heartlands Hospital. I was happy with the care I received.

A very good service

March 7, 2024
An ambulance was called by our GP who did a home visit. The ambulance arrived quickly and took great care of me. I was transported to an assessment unit at Solihull Hospital.

Raised concerns about care home

January 26, 2024
An ambulance attended the care home my husband was sent to for rehabilitation after he had a bad fall. They took excellent care of my husband and were appalled by the conditions at the home, and what had led to my husband falling. They made a report about the conditions at the care home.

Excellent care provided to dementia patient

January 26, 2024
We were told that it would take 2 to 3 hours for an ambulance to arrive but they arrived within an hour. They took excellent care of my elderly father who has dementia, and was very unwell. They cared for my father well while waiting to access the hospital, we were again told that the wait could be quite long, but when the paramedic booked him into A&E we were told that he would be in within an hour which he was. They were very kind and handled my father with care and dignity, his condition means that he can become very anxious and difficult, they were exceptional with him.

West Midlands Ambulance Service University NHS Foundation Trust


01384 215555


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