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Reviews (71)

Excellent with brilliant paramedics

January 10, 2024
I have had to use ambulances on a number of occasions in recent years and months. I cannot fault the paramedics they are excellent, the problems start when you arrive at A&E!

Dementia fall patient waited over 9 hours

January 4, 2024
We waited over 9 hours for an ambulance to arrive. My elderly relative has dementia and had a bad fall. We could not get them up off the floor, they soiled themselves and there was nothing we could do but wait for help. I am appalled at the service and the long waiting times. Once the paramedics arrived they were good but the wait hindered the whole experience.

We waited over 6 hours for paramedics

December 21, 2023
An ambulance was called for my husband by the care home he resides in. He became unwell and they were concerned he had had a stroke. We waited over 6 hours for a paramedic to attend. They were very thorough in their examination and found that he had a chest infection. We were told to get antibiotics from him GP in the morning.

No ambulance available for stroke patient

December 14, 2023
I suffered a massive stroke and a colleague dialed 999. We were told there was no ambulance available to attend for a stroke and that I had to be taken to the nearest A&E department. It was an awful experience.

Fantastic - arrived quickly

December 13, 2023
I called and was told by the operator that there would be a waiting time of up to 4 hours, but to call back if anything changed. My husband's condition deteriorated very quickly and I called back. An ambulance arrived in 17 minutes, during which time the operator stayed on the line with me and directed me on how to assist my husband. They were very helpful and kept me calm. When the paramedics arrived they were fantastic.

12 hour wait

December 11, 2023
I waited 12 hours for the ambulance to arrive. The paramedics put me off going to the hospital because of the waiting times and how busy they said it was.

The paramedics saved my life

November 16, 2023
An ambulance was called when I became very unwell, caused by my diabetes. The ambulance arrived quickly, and the paramedics were fantastic. Without their fast response, and quick medical intervention, I would have died.

Good service, did not wait too long

November 16, 2023
I became unwell and an ambulance was called. It arrived quickly and they recommended that I attend A&E. The paramedics were wonderful and very thorough in their care.

Arrived quickly

November 7, 2023
I have had a number of medical emergencies over the past year and ambulances have been called. They have always arrived very quickly and I suspect it is because I live with a heart condition. The staff are always very good.

8 hour wait for bedbound patient

November 2, 2023
I had to call am ambulance because my 84 year old mother became very unwell. I was told that there was an 8 hour wait and to call back if symptoms worsened. I called back several times and each time I was told to bring her in myself. I have to continually explain that she is bedbound and unable to walk and that we were unable to get her there safely. I cannot believe how long it took for them to arrive for an elderly patient who was very unwell.

West Midlands Ambulance Service University NHS Foundation Trust


01384 215555


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