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Reviews (71)

Told I would be waiting a long time

June 25, 2024
I recently called for an ambulance and was told that I would be waiting a long time for them to arrive. This was very difficult as it was an urgent issue.

Long wait but excellent care

June 24, 2024
I had to wait for around two and a half hours for an ambulance to arrive but the care from the paramedics was excellent.

Excellent paramedics but a very long wait

June 24, 2024
An ambulance was called after my mom had a bad fall. It was clear that something was broken and we were unable to pick her up. We waited for approximately three and a half hours for the ambulance to arrive. We had to call 999 for further advice twice during the wait as symptoms changed. Once the paramedics arrived they were great. They carried out a full assessment, provided pain relief and safely moved her onto the ambulance. At the hospital there was a long wait to get into A&E. The paramedics were great, they even took her for an x-ray and then returned her to the ambulance. If the wait had not been so long the experience would have been much better. An elderly patient laying on the cold hard floor in pain for so long was an awful experience.

Good paramedics transported me quickly

June 10, 2024
I was taken to A&E quickly after the ambulance arrived and the paramedics took good care of me.

Paramedics were excellent

June 10, 2024
The care I received from the paramedics was excellent.

Lovely paramedics attended to me quickly

June 10, 2024
The paramedics were lovely and attended to me quickly after a fall at Solihull Hospital. They promptly transported me to A&E at Heartlands Hospital.

Paramedics were great

June 5, 2024
An ambulance arrived quickly for my urgent issue. The paramedics were great and I was rushed straight in to the hospital.

Took good care of my mother

June 5, 2024
Arrived quickly but we spent hours on the ambulance waiting to get into the hospital. They took very good care of my mum while we were waiting.

Excellent care saved my life

June 4, 2024
An ambulance arrived quickly after I called 999. The care I received was excellent and saved my life.

Arrived quickly and the care was good

June 3, 2024
I was only waiting for 45 minutes for an ambulance to arrive on new years eve. I am very happy with the care provided.

West Midlands Ambulance Service University NHS Foundation Trust


01384 215555


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