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Reviews (743)

Great hospital

June 26, 2022
Helpful staff, generally on time or they explain if not. Always on hand. Clean and tidy

A&E and Walk in clinics

June 25, 2022
Would like to have the availability of accessing A&E and Walk in clinics. The service for local residents like me was suitable, a service that could easily be accessed and there was no requirement for ringing 111 or waiting for an appointment with the GP.


June 25, 2022
I would like to see the the A&E and walk in being reopened and becoming available.
The Solihull A&E and Walk in were ideal for people as they could get seen on Saturdays and Sundays.
The service was accessible to Solihull residents and was cleaner. The waiting time was not as long and the care and service provided was good.

Lost in the system

June 25, 2022
I was referred to the dermatology department for a treatment. I was referred in Aug 2021. I had not heard anything for a while and there was no communication in regards to the referral. It was only when I started chasing the hospital on numerous occasions that I was advised that I was not on the system. they had lost my details in the system. I had to get referred back and after continuous chases with the secretary of the department was I seen and now waiting for a plastic surgery which i was advised would be in 3 months time.

would like A&E and Walk In back

June 25, 2022
Would like the A&E and walk-in clinics to be back as its to far to go to the heartlands especially if you work. It is easily accessible during lunch and breaks and locally close.
Heartlands is horrible and to busy. The service at Solihull A&E and wallk in clinics was a much nicer service.

Reopen A&E and walk-In clinics

June 25, 2022
It is ashame the Solihull A&E and walkin clinics have gone as they were cleaner and not as busy as the heartlands hospital. It was easy to access and the service was very good. It was a place that I could go to in case of emergencies rather then waiting for GP or going to a A&E/walk in that is far.


June 25, 2022
Too far from me, Drive long distance for check ups that can be done at my local GP. Very unsustainable for me.

Great care

June 25, 2022
Always great service and excellent care

Length of referral for appointment

June 24, 2022
My son was referred to the solihull ophthalmology department from the opticians over a year ago. I have chased the hospital however they have advised if the issue is not urgent then i would need to wait to get an appointment.

Access to A&E and Walk-ins

June 24, 2022
If there was a A&E and walk-in center locally then it would help with not having to be reliant on other hospitals. It would be easy to access especially if you have physical health condition which restricts you.

UHB Solihull Hospital



West Midlands
B91 2JL


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