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Reviews (145)

They never sEE me, I have to wait days

October 30, 2020
I always just get telephone consult no matter what the issue is and prescribed pills without ever having an examination. It took over 6 different meds to clear my asthmatic episode which turned out to be a major respitory infection diagnosed privately in the end.

Cannot get through on the phone. Online app p

October 22, 2020
My daughter was diagnosed with endometriosis and polyps back in July. Each gp she spoke to said they would refer her urgently. Nothing came from this so in desperation I loaned the money and went private to Parkway where she had the upmost care and an urgent operation. She is 24yrs old and had this been left she would have had to have a complete hysterectomy and removal of her bowel. At present we are awaiting biopsy results.
For all of the above we intend to seek legal advice.

Ridiculous, cannot get through on the phone.

October 22, 2020
Online request takes a while to be acknowledged. Then you may or may not get a call from a gp in 2 or more days.

Doctors are good but administration is dire

October 22, 2020
Can’t fault the doctors, when you can get to speak to them, but waiting on the phone for hours is quite unacceptable but a regular occurrence.

Concerns are around the processes to be ablev

October 22, 2020
I have no concerns with the Doctors, nurses or receptionist staff within this service.
However I do have concerns in the new phone systems out in place to access a doctors appt, it took me two hours to get an appt. you have a cqc rating if outstanding which is a shame that these new changes will impact in this as it cannot be considered as a responsive service. Access to services since changes has been poor.
Louise lorne

I like many others pay for the nhs

October 22, 2020
I like many others pay for the nhs and get near to none actual service
To try and get through to actually speak to someone your waiting time can be up to and over an hour at the persons expense (phone bill) to be told there’s no appointments and to ring again tomorrow to which it starts all over again
Then it’s speaking to someone to see if you need a call (not an appointment)
If and when you do you have to got through it all again of what you’ve said to the first person (repeating yourself)
Some people (I myself being one) want to speak privately to the actual doctor as in one to one not one to two
A phone call two hours later may not be good enough if that person is on the edge if doing something
Not happy with the service
And don’t know what is actually going on as not kept informed about the surgery

Spend hours on hold and can’t get appointment

October 21, 2020
Often spend hours on hold, can only get to see a dr if it’s regarding one of my babies, no consistency in drs seen for long term medical issues. Surgery has been closed the majority of the pandemic leaving me not knowing who to call, Solihull hospital shut. My dad who is also registered here is delaying following up on severe health issues because it is SO difficult to get an appointment and just speak to someone. When I got through last week I sat in 2 different ques?! Then when I got a prescription for my 11 month old over the phone to be sent direct to my nominated pharmacy, she then called back to say she had accidentally printed it and could I drive to grove road surgery to get it! Luckily I drive and I’m on mat leave so had the ability to do this, but grove road is far away and not easily accessible to everyone in Shirley especially the elderly. It’s just a shambles. You should be truly ashamed SHP for making this a worse system than it already was. I dread to think who is running this show.

Cannot get through on telephone

October 21, 2020
Received a telephone call which I missed. Doctor left a message re my blood test results and ask me to ring surgery for a telephone consultation! Phoned was 30 in que waited until answered. After explaining why I rang operator said I had to be transferred . Transferred 40 in que , got to 30 in que and got disconnected !! Gave up !!
Patricia Hickey

Were very good until they became SHP

October 21, 2020
Can’t get through on the phone now. Sometimes queue is full and you’re told to ring later. If in a queue can be on phone for an hour. At one time that wouldn’t have been so bad because the receptionist would help. Not now, they put you in another queue. I just hang up now even though I’d like to speak to a doctor. It’s absolutely ridiculous to have to hang on the phone for nearly two hours. I used to really like my doctors but I’m thinking of moving to a single practice if I can find one.

Requested by them to ring for a medication re

October 21, 2020
2 transfer calls..27,33 and 47 in queue. Who can afford to rack up the call costs??
Eventually navigated SHP online...I dread actually being ill. Shirley Medical centre was an excellent practice...when is someone in authority going to react to all the complaints ref SHP and take active action to provide the patients with a successful service. Covid cannot be responsible for all of the present issues. Even my flu jab had hitches however after a comment on their comment/feedback page, their follow up and service was excellent
Wendy Scriven

SHP - Shirley Medical Centre


West Midlands
B90 3DT


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