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Reviews (177)

Improved access to Doctors

March 1, 2023
Came for my daughter's appointment, she has chest infection. My husband call and got same day appointment. Very pleased with doctors, they gave her antibiotic injection.

Phone appointment improved

March 1, 2023
I was able to get through quickly at 8:15 am and got appointment to see the doctor. I am very pleased.

Improved access to Doctors

March 1, 2023
GP is very good as they have improved face to face appointment with doctors. It is the right thing to do especially for people with long term conditions.

Great care for children

March 1, 2023
Positive response especially for my children. I always get same day appointment whenever I needed to see the doctor for my children. All staff here are supportive and helpful.

Poor access service

January 13, 2023
I have nothing good to say about this surgery or the SHP in general, they do not have the patients at heart. It was a good surgery until they merged together. Now we are treated as numbers and not individuals.

Access to GP surgery for appointment

January 13, 2023
When I call, I wait for 45 minutes before anyone respond then they say there are no appointment. I go to the surgery and they tell me I cannot come in without appointment. I feel like they do not want to see patients anymore. It is getting worse by day.

Had a recent appointment here for a medication review

December 16, 2022
Saw GP for the review who discussed my current medication. GP said he would send my prescription to my usual chemist. When I went to chemist half my medication was missing. Then had to chase up GP surgery which was a nightmare to get it sorted

Given pain killers instead of referral

November 25, 2022
I have a swollen gum and it's affecting my eating and sleeping. I'm in pain and I was expecting the GP to refer me to 111 emergency dental care but instead I was given pain killers and I was told to ring 111 myself.

Patient details not transferred over from GP

November 15, 2022
I moved in 2021 to a new surgery in March 2021.
Previous Dr took me off their system in March 2021. This surgery has not requested my details to be transferred over, so they have no health details about me.
Because of this, I am not correctly being diagnosed or no follow up are being provided for my long-standing health conditions which I have.
I am worried about not being prescribed the correct medications.
My medications are being played around with and they are diagnosing based on the last 18th month rather than accessing my full health records.

I have received no proper follow ups or reviews.
I chased it with the health care ombudsman, but I was told I had to raise a complaint with the Dr.
I don't even want to put a complaint in now because it is a nightmare.
Trying to get through to the GP is a nightmare.

Mixed feedback on the surgery

November 13, 2022
I have been able to book appointments within two weeks and see my GP and ask them all the relevant questions.
I have been able to speak to reception staff to request services or paperwork (sick note etc.) from my GP.
I have been able to book and receive a blood test within two weeks.

It took a very long time to organise a CBT counselling, which has now had to go on pause because my practitioner is undergoing training.
I do not know when my session will resume.

I am/have been seeing a specialist at Spire Parkway as my appointment with him on the NHS kept going pushed back.

SHP - Haslucks Green Medical Centre


287 Haslucks Green Road
West Midlands
B90 2LW


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