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Reviews (177)

No duty of care

October 21, 2020
Fed up of service.paid to see a private doctor.

Great Practice, Impossible to get in touch

October 21, 2020
Pre-covid, this was an absolutely EXCELLENT practice, but it's now absolutely impossible to get in touch with them, queues on the phones are ridiculous and it seems to be that unless you are literally about to die it's impossible to get an appointment - PLEASE if anyone from the practice is actually reading this info, can you increase the amount of people answering the phones for the SHP group overall, being "position 56 in the queue" and it taking an hour and a half to even talk to someone is really not good enough, even with COVID taken into consideration.

Unable to get through. Dusgusting

October 21, 2020
3 times after being in the 30s in the queue I was transferred, cut off at back to the beginning. Eventually got to speak to a girl who told me I didn't have a certain item on repeat prescription, which is rubbish, got through again after, don't ask,yes 30s. Eventually got a lovely older woman who did my repeat prescription which all items were there, she then helped me get online,which I haven't used. Why oh why can I see a hospital Dr., a surgeon have an op, but I can't see my own doctor, who isn't on the front line, it is a joke, well its not funny, how the hell do old people cope with this. Something needs to be done, I can't believe these so called doctors think they are better than the hospital staff. Words fail me, I just can't believe that our NHS has ended up with uncaring GPS who must be in it for the money, because they are not seeing anyone, but they are getting paid by how many patients they have..... Outrageous.
Liz read

SHP horror show

October 21, 2020
Since SHP have taken over I have been unable to see my doctor or have the required medical I need.
I was mid treatment when covid hit and the change to the practice happen, my treatment stopped along with access to my doctor and essential medical help.
Prior to SHP taking over it was a really good doctors with poor time keeping, but still fairly good.
I've not spoken to my doctor or had contact now since the start of lockdown.

No seems to know the answers

October 21, 2020
Queue time too long, don't feel the services has improved but got worse

Service was fine once through, but terrible s

October 21, 2020
Spend several days trying to get through on the phone. Finally got a repeat prescription, followed by a call from nurse who wanted my blood pressure reading, but I do not own a blood pressure monitor and they could not offer an appointment to do this. Have previously had good experiences here but since the merging of the solihull partnership it's been an incredible difficult service to get in touch with

Not the surgery by SHP who have made a mess

October 21, 2020
Shp get a grip on this situation. Awful.
Louise caga

Terrible - NHS ARE NOT OPEN!

October 21, 2020
At least an hour wait to get through then awaiting a call back which comes anytime. Despite me insisting my wife needs to be seen who was 6 weeks post pregnant, they said no. All we had was a call and more medication prescribed, despite not seeing the issue. All we here is the NHS is open, it is clearly NOT! Priorities are all wrong and people are being completely forgotten about with Covid taking all time and resources.
Luke Felton

Not good at all!

October 21, 2020
Terrible service! Queuing on the phone for over an hour to them be told they will pass me to someone who can deal with my problem to them be placed in another queue for over an hour!! No call back off doctors when told there would be. No interest in my issue I had and told to call back the next day after been on hold for over an hour and a bad water infection I was told to call back the next day! Terrible service! We need the doctors surgery back open

Impossible to contact

October 21, 2020
Had to spend ages on the phone to the central hub for an appointment I couldn't then be given on the phone. To be rung again from a different surgery to book me in at my own surgery. Filled in a form online, filled in when I wasn't available so they rang between those times and booked an appointment when I said I wouldn't be free.

SHP - Haslucks Green Medical Centre


287 Haslucks Green Road
West Midlands
B90 2LW


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