COVID-19 – Patient visiting to be suspended from Wednesday 18 March across UHB Hospital sites
Update from University Hospitals Birmingham
Coronavirus update
If you are unwell, have a temperature or a new, persistent cough, you must not visit the hospital.
To protect our patients, visitors and staff, visitors, we are limiting visitors to one per patient. All visitors must be aged 16 or over.
Patient visiting to be suspended from Wednesday 18 March
Visits from all friends and relatives of patients will be suspended on all our hospital sites from 20:00 on Wednesday 18 March 2020, except in the following circumstances:
- Parents or guardians visiting their children
- Parents or guardians accompanying children to any clinically necessary consultations that may still be taking place
- Birthing partners
- Visitors to patients in a critical condition who may be at the end of their life ‐ in these difficult and upsetting circumstances, the ward will contact the patient’s next of kin and we will try our best to accommodate them wherever possible
- Advocates/visitors who are required to make decisions on behalf of patients who do not have the capacity to make decisions for themselves
On arrival to any ward or department, any of the acceptable visitors stated above should immediately wash their hands and report to a senior sister or charge nurse. Visitors must also wash their hands or use the hand gel when they leave wards
We appreciate your ongoing support with this difficult decision that will help us to better protect staff, visitors and patients from infection.
for more visit – UHB Site