Census 2021 – Why is it important for health and social care services?

March 12, 2021

What is the census?

Every ten years the census gives us a complete picture of the nation. It allows us to compare different groups of people across the United Kingdom because the same questions are asked, and the information is recorded, in the same way throughout England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

How do you take part?

Census 2021 is a digital-first census, which means that people will be encouraged to respond online if they can. You will be able to complete the census using any device, including your mobile phone or tablet, and households are being encouraged to get help from family and friends to complete their census.

Households will receive a letter from the Office for National Statistics in March 2021 containing an access code which they can use online.

When do you take part?

The Office for National Statistics (ONS) runs the census in England and Wales and the next one will happen on Sunday 21 March 2021. You can fill the form about before then as long as it contains the information that would be correct for 21 March.

Why is the census is important for health and social care services?

Data on the age and socio-economic make-up of the population; general health, long-term illness and carers is used for health and social services.

Population and household estimates for local authorities and other sub-national areas are used by the Department for Communities and Local Government and NHS England to decide how to allocate funds to local areas.

For more information on the census, visit https://www.solihull.gov.uk/About-Solihull/Census-2021

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