Healthwatch Solihull Is proud to present our annual report for 2022-23.
This year we have highlighted patient safety concerns at University Hospitals Birmingham and investigated access to urgent care in Solihull, among other work detailed in our report. We have heard the views of 2,500 residents this year and provided clear and impartial information about health and social care to over 1,400 people through our Information and Signposting service and website. We are particularly proud of the fact that we have collected feedback from more under-represented groups this year. We will continue to reach out to communities we need to hear more from, to ensure that everyone in Solihull has the opportunity to influence the services they use.
We would like to thank all the people who have shared their experiences with us and everyone working in health and social care who have helped Healthwatch Solihull to make such a difference, and look forward to building on this track record of impact in the future.
Annual Report 22-23 | Download File (pdf 1.97 MB) |