Healthwatch Solihull investigated 276 people’s experiences of accessing general
practice. This report examines actions taken following our original report.

Impact Reports

Our initial report encouraged general practices to:
•offer clear instructions about how to access and use these services.
•address issues that patients may experience due to having consultation via
telephone/video rather than face-to-face consultation.
•tackle poor access to booking appointments and call-back systems.
•assure people that they can trust that technology-based methods to access GP
services are confidential.
Addressing such issues would be helped by good ‘patient and public involvement’ (PPI)
in the design and development of services. For example:
•asking for feedback on the information provided.
•involving patients in the development of information sources.
•finding out from patients whether they are experiencing barriers and removing these,
when possible. And when not possible, explaining to patients why this is so.

Healthwatch Solihull shared what we heard from patients with all Primary Care Networks
(PCNs) in Solihull (Solihealth). We also shared the draft report with the Birmingham and
Solihull Clinical Commissioning Group. The PCNs acknowledged the need to improve on
the issues we found during our investigation and they committed to improve services

Accessing GP services via technology - Impact Report Download File (pdf 771.87 KB)

Healthwatch Solihull's report has aided the PCNs and respective Practices within Solihealth to identify and plan work for improvements based on service user feedback. In some areas, the learning has provoked more efficient and innovative ways of working or includes evolving current processes. In other areas, the report offered reassurance of what the PCNs were doing well.

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