Young Carers Action Day in Solihull 2022
Young carers action day is an annual event organised by Carers Trust, this year it is being held on 16th March 2022. It aims to raise awareness of young carers and the incredible contribution they make to their families and local communities.
Young carers action day was renamed from Young carers awareness day in 2021 following feedback from young carers and aims to amplify the voice of young carers and not included young adult carers aged 18-25.
Isolation is the theme for this year’s campaign
All vulnerable groups, including carers, will have experienced isolation during the pandemic. Those who have a caring responsibility are 7 times more likely to feel lonely or isolated than the general public. Carers Trust want to reassure young carers that help and support is available to anyone struggling with their mental health and any feelings of loneliness.
For more information on young carers action day and events visit:
Events – Carers Trust Solihull (