Solihull’s COVID-19 Community Champions
The COVID-19 Community Champions network was set up by Solihull Council to empower Solihull residents to remain up to date with the latest advice about COVID-19.
The council keeps COVID-19 Community Champions informed of the latest advice and guidance so that the COVID-19 Community Champions can help their family, friends and other community members to make sense of the latest facts about the virus. COVID-19 Community Champions provides residents the opportunity to ask questions relating to COVID-19 issues across Solihull.
Weekly meetings are held every Wednesday via Zoom.
Anyone in the community can sign up to become a COVID-19 Community Champion. If you are interested in signing up to become a COVID-19 Community Champion and/or attending the weekly meetings and would like more information, visit: https://www.solihull.gov.uk/Resident/socialservicesandhealth/Coronavirus/COVID-19-Community-Champions.