Solihull Minor Injuries Unit to reopen June 2023
UHB said: The Minor Injuries Unit (MIU) service at Solihull Hospital was temporarily paused in May 2020, initially to offset the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, and then to help create a COVID-secure dedicated elective surgery site. This has enabled us to offer patients their elective surgical procedures, as well as outpatients and diagnostic services throughout the pandemic.
“Following agreement from the Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee at Birmingham City and Solihull Metropolitan Borough councils, we are now in a position to proceed with plans to re-open a refurbished MIU at Solihull Hospital. This will bring back the much-needed service for Solihull residents.”
The service will be able to treat a range of common issues such as cuts and wounds, minor burns, scalds and head injuries, as well as injuries to the back, shoulder and chest. Point of care blood testing and plain film x-ray will also be available.
The proposed opening date for the MIU is June 2023. We will share further information nearer to the time.
UHB are running engagement drop in sessions for the public to attend and have their say – you can book on to attend one of the sessions here