COVID-19: All essential workers and their households can now apply online for testing
Key workers: apply for a coronavirus test
If you’re a key worker who is self-isolating (not able to leave home), you can now apply for you and your household to get tested for coronavirus (COVID-19).
If your test result turns out to be negative, you can safely return to work, as long as:
- you are well enough
- you have not had a high temperature for 48 hours
- anyone you live with also tests negative
If your test result is positive, or someone you live with tests positive, you cannot return to work. You’ll need to continue to self-isolate. Read NHS advice about how long to self-isolate.
If your condition gets worse, or you do not get better after 7 days, use the NHS 111 online coronavirus. service. Only call 111 if you cannot get help online. For a medical emergency dial 999.
To check if you are eligible, and arrange a test visit here.
If you’re not a keyworker
If you’re not a key worker you cannot apply for a test. If you have symptoms, use the 111 online coronavirus service to find out what to do.